- Sample distribution by labor force and number of family members.
- Sample distribution by labor force and number of persons per bedroom.
- Sample distribution by labor force and number of persons per television.
- Sample distribution by labor force and number of persons per mobilphon.
- Sample distribution by labor force and number of persons per car.
- Distribution of the paid workers by monthly in come from main job.
- Revised and curd participation in labor force.
- Sample distribution by labor force and gender.
- Percent sample diatribution by labor force and educational level.
- Percent sample diatribution
by labor force and age
- Percent distribution of employees by activity and gender.
- Percent distribution of employees by occupation and gender.
- Percent distribution of employees by eductional level and gender.
- Percent distribution of employees by employment status and gender.
- Percent distribution of employees by work continuity and gender.
- Percent distribution of employees by the number of working days and activity.
- Percent distribution of employees by the number of working hours and activity.
- The average of working hours for the primary and secondry job during the week by governarate for those who have more than one job.
- The average of working hours for the main job during the week by governarate for those who have only one job.
- The average
of working hours for the main job during the week for all employees by governarate.
- Percent distribution of employees by the working hours during the week.
- Percent distribution of employees in the secondary job by occupation and gender.
- Percent distribution for the number of employees by lving standard.
- Percent distribution for the number of employees by the number of works and economic activities.
- Percent distribution of employees from inside or outside the house by gender.
- Percent distribution of employees from inside the house by gender and the primary
and secondary job.
- Percent distribution of employees from inside the house by the
main job, educational level and gender.
- Percent distribution of employees from inside the house by the registration in social security.
- Percent distribution for the way of looking for job by the educational level for the unemployed.
- Percent distribution for difficulties which make the person work from inside the house by gender.
- Percent distribution of employees from outside the house (mian job)by gender.
- The age when entering the labor mark for the first time by the current age of the andividual, employees and unemployed whom never worked befor.
- The employees whom looking for alternative job.
- Percent distribution of unemployees whom worked before by the latest activity and gender.
- Percent distribution of unemployees whom worked before by the latest occupation and gender.
- Percent distribution of unemployees whom worked before by the latest employment status and gender.
- Percent distribution of unemployees by the period of looking for job and educational level.
- Percent distribution of unemployees by the appropriteness of the work, gender, educational level, occupation and sector.
- Sample distribution by the educational level, gender and living standard.
- Sample distribution by occupation for the employees (15 years and over), gender and living standard.
- The cases of allowing the women's work out side the house.
- The distribution of the period of looking for job by the living standard.
- The distribution of the unemployed by the living standard.
- The distribution of employees whom looking for job by the livinig stabdard.
- The distribution of the staff by livinig stabdard.
- The distribution of the staff whom ave a secondary job by livinig stabdard.
- The distribution of the staff by the average of working hours in the main job, gender and livinig stabdard.