Chapter Fifteen : National Accounts |
OF Table |
The title of tables |
Introduction |
1- |
Production and net
domestic product at factor cost, 1963 , 1970 - 2009 ( At constant prices of
2000, in million Syrian pounds ) |
2- |
Structure of gross
output according to its elements, 1963 , 1970 - 2009 (At constant prices of
2000 ) |
3- |
Indices of gross
output and net domestic product , 1963 ,1970 - 2009 ( At constant prices of
2000 ) |
4- |
Gross output,
producer's value by sector , 1963 , 1970 - 2009 (At constant prices of 2000
,in million Syrian pounds ) |
5- |
Structure of gross
output by sector , 1963,1970 - 2009 (At constant prices of 2000 ) |
6- |
Indices of gross
output by sector , 1963,1970-2009 ( At constant prices of 2000 ) |
7- |
consumption at purchaser's value, by the utilizing sectors 1963,1970-2009(At
Constant prices of 2000 , in million Syrian Pounds) |
8- |
Structure of
intermediate consumption by sector 1963 , 1970 - 2009( At constant prices of 2000) |
9- |
Gross domestic
product at market prices by sector ,1963 , 1970 - 2009 (At constant prices of
2000,in million syrian pounds) |
10- |
Structure of gross
domestic product at market prices by sector , 1963 ,1970 -2009( At constant
prices of 2000 ) |
11- |
Indices of gross
domestic product at market prices by sector ,1963 , 1970 - 2009(At constant
prices of 2000 ) |
12- |
Expenditures on the
gross domestic product, 1963,1970-2009 (At constant Prices of 2000, in
million Syrian Pounds) |
13- |
Consumption of fixed
capital by sector , 1963,1970-2009 (At constant prices of 2000,in million
syrian pounds) |
14- |
Structure of the
consumption of fixed capital, by sector 1963 ,1970 -2009( At constant prices
of 2000 ) |
15- |
Net domestic product
at market prices by sector ,1963 ,
1970 - 2009( At constant prices of 2000,in million Syrian pounds ) |
16- |
Structure of net
domestic product at market prices by
sector , 1963, 1970 - 2009 ( At constant prices of 2000 ) |
17- |
Indices of net
domestic product at market prices ,by sector ,1963, 1970 - 2009( At constant
prices of 2000 ) |
18- |
Net domestic product
at factor cost by sector , 1963, 1970 - 2009 ( At constant prices of 2000, in
million syrian pounds ) |
19- |
Structure of net
domestic product at factor cost by sector 1963 , 1970 - 2009(At constant
prices of 2000 ) |
20- |
Indices of net
domestic product at factor cost by sector 1963 ,1970 - 2009(At constant
prices of 2000 ) |
21- |
Per capita domestic
product, 1963,1970-2009 (At constant prices of 2000 ) |
22- |
Production and net
domestic product at factor cost ,1963 , 1970 - 2009( At current prices,in
million syrian pounds ) |
23- |
Structure of gross
output according to its element, 1963 , 1970 - 2009 (At current prices, ) |
24- |
Gross output at
producer's price by sector ,1963,1970 -2009( At current prices, in million
Syrian pounds ) |
25- |
Structure of gross
output by sector , 1963, 1970 - 2009 ( At current prices ) |
26- |
consumption at purchaser's value by
the utilizing sectors, 1963, 1970 - 2009( At current prices, in million
Syrian pounds ) |
27- |
Structure of
intermediate consumption by sector 1963, 1970 - 2009 ( At
current prices) |
28- |
Gross domestic
product at market prices by sector ,1963,1970-2009 (At current prices,In
Million Syrian Pounds) |
29- |
Structure of gross
domestic product, 1963,1970-2009 ( At current Prices ) |
30- |
Consumption of fixed
capital by sector , 1963, 1970 - 2009 ( At current prices, in million Syrian
pounds ) |
31- |
Structure of the
consumption of fixed capital by sector 1963, 1970 - 2009( At current prices ) |
32- |
Net domestic product
at market prices by sector , 1963,1970 - 2009 (At current prices,In Million
Syrian Pounds) |
33- |
Structure of net
domestic product at market prices, by sector1963, 1970 - 2009( At current
Prices ) |
34- |
Net domestic product
at factor cost by sector , 1963, 1970 - 2009 (At current prices,In Million
Syrian Pounds) |
35- |
Structure of net
domestic product at factor cost by sector 1963, 1970 - 2009 ( At current
prices ) |
36- |
Per capita domestic
product, and national income 1963, 1970-2009 (At current prices ) |
37- |
Gross fixed capital
formation by type of ownership and its indices 1963 , 1970 - 2009( At constant prices of 2000 ) |
38- |
Gross fixed capital
formation by type of ownership and its indices 1963, 1970 - 2009 ( At current
prices ) |
39- |
Gross fixed capital
formation by sector and its composition 1963, 1970 - 2009 (At constant prices
of 2000, In Million Syrian Pounds ) |
40- |
Gross fixed capital
formation by sector and its
composition 1963, 1970 - 2009 ( At current prices. In Million Syrian pounds ) |
41- |
Distribution of net
capital formation by sector ,1963,1970-2009 ( In million Syrian Pounds ) |
42- |
Structur of net
capital formation, 1963, 1970 - 2009 |
43- |
Supply and
utilization of goods and services, 1963, 1970 - 2009 (At constant prices of
2000,In Millions S.P) |
44- |
structure of goods and services, 1963 , 1970 - 2009 (At constant prices of
2000) |
45- |
Supply and
utilization of goods and services, 1963, 1970 - 2009 (At current prices, In
Million Syrian Pounds) |
46- |
structure of goods and services, 1963 , 1970 - 2009 (At current prices ) |
47- |
Gross domestic
product and expenditure 1963 , 1970- 2009 ( At current prices, in Million
Syrian Pounds ) |
48- |
National disposable
income and its appropriation 1963, 1970-2009 ( At current prices, in Million
Syrian Pounds ) |
49- |
National income and
national disposable income for the years, 1963, 1970 - 2009 ( At current
prices, in million Syrian Pounds ) |