Chapter Eight : Tourism |
OF Table |
The title of tables |
1- |
Arab arrivals by nationality, 2005 - 2009 |
2- |
Foreign arrivals by nationality , 2005 - 2009 |
3- |
Arrivals ( Arab & foreigners ) by centers and months ,2009 |
4- |
Departures Syrians by border and months for year 2009 |
5- |
Hotels and beds by class ,1980 -
2009 |
6- |
Hotels & rooms and beds by class and governorate 2009 |
7- |
Syrian and Arab guests by nationality,
2005 - 2009 |
8- |
Syrians and Arab guests by nationality and hotel's class, 2009 |
9- |
Foreign guests by natioality,
2005 - 2009 |
10- |
Foreign guests by nationality and hotel's class, 2009 |
11- |
The Syrian tourists and Arab who stayed in lodgings distributed by
nationality in 2009 |
12- |
The foregin tourists who stayed in lodgings distributed by nationality
in 2009 |
13- |
Syrian and Arab over night tourists by month and nationality in 2009 |
14- |
Foreign over night tourists by nationality and month in 2009 |
15- |
Nights spent at hotels by Syrian guests and Arab by nationality , 2005
- 2009 |
16- |
Nights spent at hotels by foreign guests by nationality , 2005 - 2009 |
17- |
Nights spentat hotels by Syrian and Arab and foreign guests, by hotels
class ,1970 - 2009 |
18- |
Nights spent by Syrian guests and Arab by nationality and hotel's class
, 2009 |
19- |
Nights spent at hotels by foreign guests by nationality and hotel's
class, 2009 |
20- |
The nights spent by Arab and Syrian guests by nationality and lodging
2009 |
21- |
The nights spent by foreigners according to nationality and lodging
2009 |
22- |
Syrian gustes and Arab by hotel's class and governorate 2009 |
23- |
Foreign guests by hotel's class and governorate 2009 |
24- |
Syrian guests by hotel's class and governorate 2009 |
25- |
Guests at hotels by ( Arab - foreign - Syrians ) by governorate 2009 |
26- |
Nights spent at hotels by Syrian and Arab guests by hotel's class and
governorate 2009 |
27- |
Nights spent at hotels by foreign guests by hotel's class and
governorate 2009 |
28- |
Nights spent by Syrian guests by hotel's class and governorate 2009 |
29- |
Nights spent by (Arab- foreign- Syrians) guests by governorate 2009 |
30- |
Visitors to Damascus international fair and participating countries
1970 - 2009 |
31- |
Visitors to museum and antiquities, 2005 - 2009 |
32- |
Visitors to antiquities, 2005- 2009 |