After issuing the results of slum survey 2008 by the central bureau of statistics which was accomplished on country level, the bureau with cooperation with Dar'a governorate ( Dar'a city council ) conducted a survey of the phenomenon of slum and expansion areas in Dar'a city including identified areas by the city council, so a technical committee of the bureau and following - up committee of the city council have been formed to prepare the required questionnaire. One of the objectives of this survey was providing data about dwellings environment and characteristics of families and individuals in addition to establishments number and practicing activities. The preparation of the survey has been made by preparing the questionnaire and visiting the areas which are required to study then setting up the plans by geographic maps unit in the bureau after that training researchers for the field work stage and preparing computer programs to enter data and process it to extract the initial and final results of this survey. H - Survey Questionnaire H -The initial results tables
Slum Survey 2008
The general census of population and housing which had accomplished in 2004 has provided with general data about housing in Syrian Arab Republic, and this data has assured a framework for more detailed and specialized surveys. In this context , the Central Bureau of Statistics performed a survey of the slum phenomenon in governorates centers of a sample of districts ( where the phenomenon is spreading by 75 % and more) which allowed accessing to the indicators of housing and population characteristics of these areas. H Definitions and concepts were adopted in the survey. H A sample survey. H The most important results of the survey. H Bulletin tables of slum. - Percentage distribution of housing. - Percentage distribution of population. - Percentage distribution of workers. - Percentage distribution of infection and type of disease