Number of population existed in syria according to estimates of their number in mid years 2011-2018 (000)
Year Male Female Total
2011 10794 10330 21124
2012 11053 10586 21639
2013 11329 10840 22169
2014 11607 11105 22712
2015 11892 11376 23268
2016 12183 11656 23839
2017 12481 11941 24422
2018 12787 12234 25021
source:statistical abstract 2018




Statistical Abstract 2018 Download

The index number for September 2011  

CBS has issued the index numbers for September 2011 where the differences of index number for September of August 2011 went up to (2,6 point) and that is due to the rise
in some groups .
The monthly inflation for September of August 2011 has reached
to ( 1,78 % ) and the annual inflation for September 2011 of
September 2010 has reached to ( 3,38 % )  
Bulletin of labor force 2010 at the level of governorates

 Central Bureau of Statistics(CBS) Issued the annual bulletin of labor force 2010 at the level
 of governorates where the number of workers at country level reached to 5054458.
 Also, the number of unemployed by educational status at country level was 476,343
 The index number for June 2011  

 The index number for June reached to 143.98 % achieving an annual inflation of June 2010 at the rate 4% and May 2011 at the rate 0.18%. There is a slight rise of food and non-alcoholic beverages by 2.81 point for June 2011 of May 2011 , there is also a rise by 4.95 point in the group of alcoholic beverages and tobacco . We also note a decline in housing,water, electricity, gas and other fuels by (-5.92) point. As for the goods & services used in the operations of ordinary household maintenance we note a rise by 5.01 point .
Labor force survey for 2010   

 CBS announces the results of the labor force survey 2010 (Annual) according to the
 followed methodology,where as this survey is considered as the most important surveys
 conducted by the bureau annually,in addtion to statistical indicators that is related to
 occupational structure and demographic , social and economic characteristics of the labor
Results of the labor force survey ( second half ) for 2010

 CBS announces the results of the labor force survey for 2010 (second half) according to
the followed methodology, where as this survey is considered as the most important
 surveys conducted by the bureau annually in order to provide a statistical database on the
 labor force, employment levels and unemployment, which is indispensable in the plans of
 economic and social development as well as to identify the occupational structure and
 demographic,social & economic characteristics of the labor force.
Final results of the household Income and expenses 2009-2010

At a news conference , Dr. Shafiq Arbash the director of Central Bureau of Statistics announced the final results of household income and expenses survey for the years 2009-2010,where he presented the most important results, which showed that expenditure proportion on food for the Syrian household amounted to / 30826 / S. P. This expenditure has been distributed on food by (45.6%) and ( 54.4%) was on other sides of non- food expenditure.
Industry Series 1970 -2009            

A bulletin related to development of the industrial sector was issued during the period of 1970 – 2009 including a group of the most important statistical indicators concerning this sector.
The final results of labor force 2010  
The results of labor force survey 2010 (first half) showed that population with economic activity (employed & unemployed worked previously) distributed by economic activity as the following:
Agriculture : Employer 4,5% - Paid worker 29%
Industry : Employer 5% - Paid worker 77,8%
Hotels & restaurants : Employer 9% - Paid worker 41,5%
Transport & communications : Employer 0.8% - Paid worker 59.7%
Production & Sales bulletin 2009
CBS has issued an annual bulletin about production & sales in the industrial public sector for /2009 / which is prepared periodically through annual data from companies & establishments   in the industrial public sector .

       Bureau Organization Structure:

       The organization structure clarifies the position of major and minor structure clarifies the position of major and minor
        structures and how they related.
       To see organization structure click here: