This chapter includes data on :

  - Percentages of labor force ( 15 year and over ) according to age , sex , urban and rural areas

 - Percent distribution of labor force ( 15 year and over ) by marital status, age groups and sex

   rates of economic activities by educational status and work sector

-  Distribution of employees by occupation , and economic activities                        

  - Distribution of the paid works( 15year over ) in the public and private sectors  by sex , salary groups ,

     and economic  activities department

- Distribution of the unemployed by sex and mohafazat

 - the unemployed distribution by sex and age

- Registered labor injuries by Mohafazat  and type of injury and type of work .

Data of this chapter are obtained from :

-  Results of labour force survey 2002

  - Ministry of social affairs and labor.

-  The General Establishment of social security.