This chapter includes the following data :

First- Financial statistics relating to the following data.

   1- Balance of payments 2002

   2- Estimates of the balance of payments 2002 .

   3- The planned ordinary and development expenditures in the consolidated  budget 2002

   4- Consolidated budget of the country is prepared in accordance with the rules of the consolidated financial law issued

   by legislative decree No, 92 dated 19 / 7/1967 which defines the budget as being the annual basic financial plan for the

   execution of the economic plan , Government budget comprises the estimates of expenditures and revenues of each of

   the following :

A) Ministries &  public administrations                  

B) Public institutions of both administrative and economic nature, as defined by the legislative decree 1758   for  1969.

C) Local administrative units.

Expenditures and revenues were tabulated as follows :

A)Functional tabulation it represents budgets expenditures on the basis of the economic plan sectors .

B) Administrative tabulation :It represents the expenditures of each administrative unit separately , in such a way that each ministry has an independent section and each administration or institution subordinated to the ministry has a special branch.

Q) Qualitative tabulation : It represents the distribution of each administrative unit's expenditures based on die type of expenditures and in a way representing its investment expenditures & the items of its current expenditures , (such as wages , general expenditures , transfer expenditures ) .

Secondly: Banking Statistics which comprises the following :

1- Consolidated budget of the Central Bank

2- Consolidated budget of specialized Banks .

3- Banking revenues of all specialized Banks .

4- Advances of specialized banks classified by economic sectors , type and activity .

5- Money supply and changes in factors affecting it.

6- Loans granted by the Agricultural Co-operative bank , Industrial bank Real Estate Bank Commercial bank and the

popular Credit Bank classified by their terms .

7- Deposits balances at the specialized banks and office bank.

8- Annual average of foreign currencies prices .

9- Interest Rates at the central bank applied to other banks.

10- Interest Rates at each of the Syfim Commercial bank,  the Real Estate bank and the Industrial bank.

11- Banks by Mohafazat.

12- Sales, withdrawals and balance of the investment bonds .

13- Deposits and withdrawals in the office bank .

14- The amounts paid & insurance payinent at the Syrian insurance company.

The source of the data: Ministry of finance central bank of Syria Specialized Banks office bank - Syrian insurance company.