The Central Bureau of Statistics presents the Foreign Trade data by the motive of introducing the components of this sector, through using latest economical and commodity classification derived from the unified customs classification of the Arab league , as well as the economical and commodity classification issued by the Inter- national Statistical Institute of the United Nations .

These data expose : exports , imports transit , temporary entrance & re-exportation by parts , chapters , main commodities ,main countries of International blocks & countries of origin & destination in general .

And this chapter includes detailed tables that present:

I - A total exposition of imports and exports in the public and private sectors by the establishments of foreign trade , economical categories economical activities and by the nature and utilization of items .

II - An exposition of time series beginning with 1983 for the total of foreign trade data beside the comparison Statistics for the two last years of the main exported and imported commodities .

III - An exposition of exports and imports Indices.

Data of this chapter is prepared as follows :

1- Imports trade includes goods imported for consumption , whether of imported goods which have been previously entered or upon temporary entrance , the value of these imports is calculated according to C . I . F . basis , i . e the original cost of imported goods plus insurance , freight and all other expenses affected up to the customs clearance but excluding customs duties .

The value in this chapter is in Syrian currency according to the official price of Rate of exchange.

 Official price of U . S $ was (4.05 ) S.P . for imports & ( 3.90 ) S.P for Exports until 1986 . With the beginning of 1987 it became (11.25) S . P . for imports & (11.20 ) S. P . for exports .

As of 2000 the official price for imports is 46.5 S.P and for export is 46.00 S.P.

2- Export trade includes the goods produced locally plus the re - export of imported goods which have been previously either exempted from custom duties or on which such duties have been already paid .

The value of the exports is calculated ac- cording to F . O . B . basis, i .e . the value of goods exported plus all expenses effected up to the customs clearing

post of export. It is to be noted that the reported values are less than C . I . F . values as the cost of insurance and transport from export off- ice to the means of transport is excluded .

3- Transit trade means all foreign goods which arrive the Syrian Arab Republic by land , sea or air , and re freighted without customs procedures .

4- Country of origin in the case of agricultural and animal products refers to the country where the goods are produced ,and in the case of industrial products refers to the country where the last process of manufacturing has been completed .

Country of destination is the country of final destination of the goods declared by the exporter on date of export .

 The source of the data is the General Directorate of customs , where from Statistics of imports & exports licenses and others that pass by the customs centers are derived and which importers and exporters present after being verified by the competent customs authorities .