The Central Bureau Of Statistics performed the multiple indicator cluster survey in Syria Arab republic collaboration with Health ministry, state planning commission, league of Arab states (Arabic project for family health) and The United Nation children's fund (unicef) .
This survey was performed within the third course from the multiple indicator cluster survey which has been done in more than 50 countries around the world in 2005 – 2006 , and this course comes after the first and second multiple indicator cluster surveys courses which have been done in 1995 and 2000 .
Survey tools depend on models and standards that made by the global multiple indicator surveys project and this project has been designed to collect information about women and children situation in the world.
The main goals for this survey are the following:
1- Present modern information to estimate the children and women situation in Syria Arab Republic.
2- Present the necessary information for observing the acquired development to achieve the goals which have been defined by global agreement like (millennium development goals and a world fit for children) as starting points for future work.
3- Participation in improving data basis and controlling systems in Syria in addition to consolidating technical experiences in ( designing, performing and analyzing) these rules and system.
To get the last report of survey results
To see in details how this project was done click here Ø