Income and family expenditure survey:
The table which are related to survey 2003 – 2004 :
Average of household expenditure on food commodities and other expenditures
Distribution of households monthly expenditure on expenditure items by governorates
Average & proportion of total monthly expenditure of the household by the ten population segments
Average & proportion of total monthly expenditure of the household by the three population segments
Distribution of households monthly expenditure on electricity,water,telephone and mobile phone
Average of household monthly expenditure on food commodities groups by governorates
Average of the individual monthly expenditure on food commodities groups by governorates
Average of household monthly expenditure on food commodities by governorates
Average of the individual monthly expenditure on food commodities by governorates
Average of household monthly expenditure on non-food commodities groups by governorates
Average of monthly expenditure of the individual on non-food commodities groups by governorates
Average of household monthly expenditure on non-food commodities by governorates
Average of the individual monthly expenditure on non-food commodities by governorates
Relative distribution of households by the groups of total monthly expenditure
Average of household monthly expenditure on food commodities by monthly expenditure groups
Average of household monthly expenditure on non-food commodities by the groups of total monthly
Average of household monthly expenditure on durable commodities by the groups of total monthly
Average of household monthly expenditure on food commodities by educational status of the
household head
Average of household monthly expenditure on non- food commodities by educational status of the
household head
Average of household monthly expenditure on food commodities by the occupation of household head
Relative distribution of households by the ownership of durable commodities - country
Relative distribution of sample households by the number of household's individuals and the total
monthly expenditure of household
Average of household monthly expenditure on food commodities by the number of household's
Average of household monthly expenditure on non- food commodities by the number of household's
Average of household monthly expenditure on durable commodities by the number of household's
Average of household monthly consumption on food commodities by governorates
Average of the individual monthly consumption on food commodities by governorates
Average of households monthly consumption on non- food commodities by governorates
Average of the individual monthly consumption on non- food commodities by governorates
Relative distribution of households by income sources and governorates