v Housing units licensed by type of construction and governorates
v Room licensed by the type of construction and governorates
v Licensed residential floor area by the type of construction and governorates
v Non- residential Licensed floor area by type of construction and governorates
v The area of land for building (residential and non-residential) by governorates
v Implementing housing units by type of construction and governorates
v Room implemented according to the type of construction and governorates
v Implementing residential floor area by the type of construction and governorates
v Implementing non-residential floor area by type of construction and governorates
v Expenditure on executed from licensed construction and the value of the licensed land
by governorates
v Expenditure on executed construction and the value of the land by type of building
v Spending on executed from licensed construction building materials by the
v Spending on the wages of the preparatory work and fees for the executed from
licensed construction by governorates
v Spending on the wages of the executed from licensed construction by governorates |